We Are Grateful for Our Jack Tarver Media CENTER!

It is our primary objective to encourage children to develop a love of books, as well as to learn how to take care of them. We present stories that will be fun and enjoyable, be stimulating, extend information, assist development of thinking and speaking while encouraging children to want to learn to read.

Our centralized media center houses a vast selection of books, big books, CDs, cassette tapes, DVDs, visuals, puppets, as well as teacher resource materials.  These print and non-print materials are organized by thematic units to correlate with the curriculum. These materials are available for check out by our teachers to be used in the classroom.

In addition to the centralized media center, each class has its own dedicated classroom library.  Each classroom library contains books that enhance literacy, promote author studies as well as unit teaching.  Books are available everyday for children to enjoy and peruse.  Books are rotated to compliment the curriculum which gives our students a wide variety of printed media to enjoy and experience.

We are grateful to the Jack Tarver Foundation for donating funding in 2005 to establish and maintain our media center and computer lab. With these funds, we are able to continually expand resources in both the media center and computer lab.  Jack Tarver was the former owner, publisher and editor of the Atlanta Journal Constitution.  He was a philanthropist dedicated to literacy and promoting a love of reading and books.